Comparison: Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer

SPP Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer
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Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer Battery are types of rechargeable batteries that are becoming increasingly common in electronic devices due to their high energy density, long lifespan, and low cost. Lithium Polymer batteries are also rechargeable, but they differ from Lithium Ion batteries in several important ways. 

Knowing the kind of battery you are having is important in ensuring that you take the required precautions. Below we discuss some of the comparisons for Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer Battery

Comparison of Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer Battery

SPP 18650 Lithium Ion Batteries

1. Casing Material

Lithium Ion batteries are encased in metal, while Lithium Polymer batteries are encased in plastic. This makes Lithium Polymer batteries much lighter than Lithium Ion batteries, which is an important consideration for many electronic devices.

2. Charging Conditions

Lithium Ion batteries must be charged under controlled conditions to prevent damage. Lithium Polymer batteries, on the other hand, can be charged at a much wider range of voltages and currents without risk of damage.

3. Temperature Tolerance

Lithium Ion batteries are sensitive to high temperatures and can be damaged by exposure to heat, while Lithium Polymer batteries can withstand much higher temperatures without risk of damage.

4. Lifespan

Lithium Ion batteries typically have a shorter lifespan than Lithium Polymer batteries, meaning they need to be replaced more often. Lithium Polymer batteries, on the other hand, can last for several years with proper care.

5. Cost of Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer Battery

Lithium Ion batteries are typically cheaper than Lithium Polymer batteries, but the latter tend to be more cost-effective in the long run due to their longer lifespan. The high cost of Lithium Polymer batteries is also offset by their lighter weight, which can save on shipping and handling costs.

6. Shape

The shape of Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer batteries varies widely, depending on the device they are being used in. While Lithium Ion batteries tend to be cylindrical or rectangular, Lithium Polymer batteries can have a variety of shapes due to their plastic casing.

7. Energy Density

The energy density of Lithium Ion batteries is typically higher than that of Lithium Polymer batteries, meaning they can store more energy in a given space. Lithium Polymer batteries tend to have a lower energy density due to their plastic casing.

8. Voltage

The voltage of Lithium Ion batteries is typically higher than that of Lithium Polymer batteries, making Lithium Ion batteries better suited for larger devices, like laptops and smartphones. Lithium Polymer batteries may be more suitable for smaller appliances, such as toys or electronic watches.

9. Weight

The weight difference between Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer batteries varies depending on their size and casing material, but Lithium Polymer batteries are generally much lighter than Lithium Ion batteries due to the plastic casing. Lithium Ion is heavier due to the metal casing.

10. Capacity

The capacity of Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer batteries varies depending on their size and type, but Lithium Polymer batteries typically have a higher capacity than Lithium Ion batteries. This makes Lithium Polymer batteries better suited for devices that require high power output, such as electric cars or power tools.

11. Charging Period

The charging period of Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer batteries varies depending on their size and type, but Lithium Ion batteries typically have a longer charging time than Lithium Polymer batteries. Lithium Ion batteries may take longer to charge, and can be left plugged in for extended periods of time without risk of damage.

12. Safety

Lithium Ion batteries are known to be safe if used properly but can be dangerous if damaged or mishandled. They are also safe if used properly, but can be more volatile than Lithium Ion batteries due to the plastic casing. Handle Lithium Polymer batteries with care to avoid damage.

13. Disposal

Lithium Ion batteries can be recycled or disposed of safely, while Lithium Polymer batteries are not typically recyclable. Lithium Polymer batteries should be handled and disposed of carefully to prevent harm to the environment.

SPP Dronebatt Lithium Cells



Li ion battery

Lipo battery

Range of Voltage from 3V to 4.2V From 3V to 4.2V
Energy density High energy density Decreased and low cycle count compared to that of Li ion
Flexibility Low High
Weight Heavier Lightweight
Risk of Explosion Volatile compared to Li-Po Much safe. Fewer chances to explosion
Charging duration Relatively longer charge Shorter charge
Cost Cheaper A bit Expensive
Capacity  Relatively lower Li-Po capacity around 2 times that of Li-ion battery
Life span Long Long
Aging May Loses charge capacity over time Keeps charging capacity longer than Li-ion
Temperature range for usage -20 to 60º C -20 to 70º C
Impedance <100 mΩ <50 mΩ
Charging temperature  0 to 40º C 0 to 40º C
Temperature for Storage -20 to 35º C -20 to 35º C



Lithium Ion batteries are commonly used in laptops, smartphones, UPS, power back-ups, energy storage systems, and other electronic devices. Lithium Polymer batteries are also used in these devices, as well as in electric cars, power tools, and other high-power applications such as aircraft, drones, radio controllers, EVs, etc.

Overall, Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer batteries are both widely used in a variety of electronic devices. This is due to their different features and benefits. 


Choosing the right battery type for your application will depend on a variety of factors. Such as device size and power requirements, so it is important to consider all aspects before making a decision. Ultimately, Lithium Ion vs Lithium Polymer batteries are both useful in their ways, and it is up to you to decide which one is best for your needs. Thanks for reading!

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